MOD Barracks
MOD Barracks
Client: Ministry of Defence
Value: £12M
The Ministry of Defence (MOD) had encountered numerous leaks in their existing central gas-fired district heating system. The network was connected to 55 buildings within the barracks and was requiring increasing levels of repairs to the network to keep it functioning.
Limited information was available regarding MTHW flow rates and system controls. Our task was to conduct a comprehensive survey of the current site infrastructure and calculate heat and gas loads at both the building and site levels. Based on this analysis, we developed a full detailed design plan and site-wide strategy for energy distribution. A new gas loop system, 1.5km, was devised with localised heating stations serving each cluster of buildings, this ensured service provision should any one location fail in the future.
Some notable challenges came with the management of gas services which were pressure reduced to low pressure prior to each heat station. The new boiler plant could not be accommodated within existing building project, so we designed a packaged plant solution.