Asset Management Surveys


Time is of the essence when acquiring and maintaining property and we are matched to respond to clients’ time frames. Carbon Plan Engineering deliver advice and solutions to ensure acquired assets do not become a liability, we offer asset reports specifically developed to support asset managers:


Minimum Standards Roadmap

Pre-acquisition audits

 We understand the potential risk when purchasing properties and portfolios of property.  There are two primary aspects to this: assessing the risk of the asset failing to achieve an E rating under compliance with the 2018 ‘Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard’ (MEES) and conducting a Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) survey to determine the life cycle replacement of plant. We provide both of these services; effectively reducing property acquisition risks by conducting a thorough evaluation of a development’s potential for ‘asset stranding’. Our assessments align with the government’s projected compliance windows, ensuring a robust strategy and management plan for the property.


Dilapidations surveys

 Acting on behalf of tenants or landlords, we aim to secure the best outcome for our client where dilapidations negotiations become necessary. We understand the Pre-Action Protocol and the procedures for dealing with dilapidations as a lease end or break approaches. Our M&E dilapidation service can help to achieve a negotiated settlement or provide an independent evaluation if a case is to be brought by either party.


Regulatory and Compliance

 We offer all sustainability and energy-led regulatory compliance requirements for asset managers including Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs), Air Conditioning Inspections (TM44) and ESOS.


Key Contact: Dan Castle -